Practice Tips 2017

Instead of keeping paper records that take up a lot of space you can keep your records on an external hard drive. Make sure to change your documents to PDF and sign them off! You cannot leave the record as a word document because you can alter this document at a later date. Also remember the double lock rule – your hard drive still needs two locks to protect the information, which you can ask me more about at any point

It’s crucial to rest and take days off! There is always work that can be done in your practice. If you burn out you will fall further behind than if you took the weekend off to be with your friends and family

Did you know that not all allied health profession in Canada can use coupons, discounts, and promotions to build their private practices! Make sure to check your provincial regulators by-laws before using one of these commonly used business building techniques!

Correct networking happens before referrals will be sent to you. Building a healthy therapeutic relationship is something you already know how to do, this is exactly how networking works. Build relationships! Be authentic and helpful to your potential referral sources before you ask them to help you!

FB Live Private Practice Q&A – February 21, 2017: Can Nurse Practitioners Direct Bill the Province?

Guidelines for Registered Psychiatric Nurses in Independent Practice:
 Practice Standard: College of Nurses of Ontario:
Independent practice:
Clearing up the confusion: are nurse practitioners an appropriate primary care solution?

FB Live Private Practice Q&A – March 7, 2017: My Favorite Resources to make running my business easier.

Here are the Apps and Resources that have played a big role in how I built and run my private practice. I try to use Canadian Resources because there are some differences between what is allowed in the US… but not here in Canada!

The Independent Clinician is also great! She is American but targets her work to Allied Health Professionals Just like us.