Company Updates

2021 E-HIS Update

I hope your fall is off to a great start. It's been an awesome but intense year for us so far, this is what we have been up to.

The Team

As you may know, Heidi is a practicing therapist and when COVID hit she went back to the SHA and signed up for the redeployment lists to help. This kept our cash flow rolling to keep the development team developing. We needed more hands on deck for operations and marketing and scaled up our team to 18 PEOPLE! That was quite a lot of people. Now that things have started to calm down and business is starting to return to some shadow of normal Heidi has resumed her private caseload and is focusing the majority of her efforts back on E-HIS. We have since scaled back the team back to 12 core people which had been much easier to manage.


Development Team:

Sales and Marketing team:

  • Heidi Watson - CEO
  • Anupriya Saxena - Business Analyst (Development team lead)
  • Shenara De Silva - Business Analyst (International expansion lead)
  • Kayla Burski - Bookkeeper
  • Sharni Fulton - Human resources Director
  • Sylvie Punga - Instructor
  • Hitesh Patel - Full Stack Developer
  • Tushar B - Back End Developer
  • Asif M - Mobile Developer
  • Mercedes Redman - Marketing Director
  • Tajmee Ali - Marketing Intern
  • Joy Watson - Copy Writer

We lost two of our amazing developers to their pre-existing employers resuming in-person work or increasing demands because of the wash 2020 was. Our mobile application fell through a second time and we had to start over again. We did find a mobile developer willing to help us out and should have a release in the next few weeks. We did find an amazing gem - a developer who had experience with PHP! PHP is still the second most used coding language used in Health Tech, but to find an experienced developer in this language is extremely difficult as modern languages have rightfully taken over the brain space of new grads.

I would like to thank Nilay, Sherry, Angela, Tommy, Tega, Keighley, Lester, and Shayla for their efforts with us, and I hope you're all doing awesome.

Sharni has recently returned early from maternity leave and rather than acting as Heidi's Executive Assistant she will be starting in the role of Human Resources Director and will be managing the recruiting, onboarding, and funding application tasks. Tushar passed his English literacy exam. And Kayla and Sylvie are expecting!

The Product

Late in the summer, we released the final tier of our initial 2016 MVP product design - INVOICING! This means we now have a fully functional practice management system that takes care of legislation-compliant Medical Record Storage, Client Management and Scheduling, Automated Reporting, and Invoicing.

We bid on our first Enterprise RFP out of Washington state which we didn't win but we are excited to announce that their review of our MVP was that it matched 'AVERAGE' with the other existing products on the market. So excited to validate that we have reached the minimum bar to start participating in this market space.

This year we have been supported by IRAP in a project to develop an innovative product plan that will take our EMR to the next level in the Health Enterprise space. Anupriya Saxena joined our team as a MBA business analyst from Saskatchewan with experience with the Ministry of Social Services. Her product plan is almost complete and we would love to share it with you.


Marketing and Sales have been a high priority for us to determine the best strategies to access the health sector. We invested over $40,000 into our sales and marketing team to see what other strategies we could use to increase our conversion rate and increase product awareness in the market. Just for reference most of our competitors in this market space are currently investing $10,000 a month into single cities like Calgary every month. We have been trialing various social media strategies, email lists, cold calling, and our regular sales funnels through our courses and resource offerings.  We attended numerous virtual conferences to show off our product offering and even spoke at TWO international conferences.

Shenara De Sliva joined our team through IRAP's support as a MBA Business analyst who is developing and spearheading our international development plans. While we have been developing our MVP our platform was being marketed towards the Allied Health Professionals in Canada, now that it is complete we will begin marketing to the whole health team including physicians and nurses. From our market research results, we are now working towards making connections in Ghana and Zimbabwe to expand our market globally and we strongly believe that we are going to have a minimum of 10 clients including 1 Enterprise client from these countries by the end of next year. We have an exciting partnership we are planning on announcing soon and some exciting conferences coming up through the Canadian trade commissioners' services. We are also now members of STEP and have been very grateful for their market research and resources.

Heidi got to participate in the Microsoft Women in Cloud Digital Accelerator 4.0 cohort. This accelerator has gotten us some amazing contacts through Microsoft and IBM. Through this accelerator, we were able to make adjustments to our product offering and strategy to align with Enterprise client needs.

Current Partnerships

  • Streamtech - Guardian Clinic Manager helps clinics manage and track their staff and equipment certifications
  • OnCall Health - Legislation compliant telehealth with over 1 million calls through their Canadian platform
    • We have partnered with OnCall Health to enable clients with a complete virtual care solution. OnCall Health offers everything you need to practice online and its completely secure and available across all devices.
  • Galaxy - Distribution partner in Zimbabwe

Other News

  • We got funding from the Saskatchewan Job Grant to send our bookkeeper Kayla to some courses! She is now happily enrolled and passing assignments.
  • We participated in the Valhalla Summit and got into the top 20
  • We participated in the Up Conference and Match UP (which was AWESOME)


  • Do you happen to know any enterprise clients that may be a good fit for us?
  • Do you know any venture capitalists currently looking for a exciting seed round opportunity?


2020 Old Stuff

Details for Investors

What we are BUILDING

Key Performance Indicators