Welcome to E-HIS Clinician Courses

Basic Hand Therapy Course – Splinting for Beginners
In-Person Training
*New course alert. Learn or Refresh your splinting skills and learn about the latest splinting materials available that will make your practice easier. In this in-person training, you will be able to practice making three splints and learn the basics for assessing the hand conditions they are used to treat.
Only eight seats are available!

Advanced Hand Therapy Course – Splinting for Therapists
In-Person Training
*New course alert. Advance your splinting skills and learn about the latest splinting materials available that will make your practice easier. In this in-person training, you will be able to practice making two advanced splints and learn the steps for assessing the hand conditions they are used to treat.
Only eight seats are available!

Manual Lymph Activation
Online & in Person Lab Training
Combined Decongestive Therapy is the best practice standard for treating lymphedema clients. The EHIS MLA postgraduate course is 135 hours of theoretical and practical training which meets the requirements of the CDT designation. Theoretical hours will be completed through an online training portal while practical training will be completed with in-person lab work:

The E-Course System: Mentorship Program
Online Training
The Mentorship Program provides you with access to The E-Course System, as well as 9-1 hour strategy calls to answer any questions that you may have and to provide you with direct feedback and coaching. I will tailor your 1-1 calls to meet your needs, whether you want to focus on course development, marketing, technology training, etc.
This is a Done With You program (DWY), where I help you every step of the way.

The E-Course System: Instructional Design Program
Online Training
The Instructional Design Program is a service program for busy entrepreneurs who don’t have time to create their online mini-course. This is where my instructional design training comes into play! When you are just starting out in the world of online course creation, it is important to begin with a mini-course, and when you begin enrolling students, you can add to your course as it evolves based on your students’ feedback.
This Done For You (DFY) program consistsof an initial consultation regarding your course topic and we will discuss all the details of your course and what the needs of your students and program are.

The E-Course System: 6 Steps to Creating, Marketing and Launching Your Online Course.
Online Training
The E-Course System steps you through the entire process of creating and launching your course in a sequenced method. The steps in this system will help you get crystal clear about your course topic, design your course outline, learn and implement a marketing plan, step you through the course creation process, help you choose your best delivery system, and launch your course and celebrate your success! I hope you enjoy this Do It Yourself (DIY) course created for you.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage – The Online Course
Online Course
Are you already a Combined Decongestive Therapist? This online affiliate course is packed with new techniques for you to try as well as a great refresher for theory and watershed pathways.

How to Start a Private Practice in Canada – Online Course
Online Course
Getting into private practice has a long to-do list. Check out our new course that walks you through making your private practice business plan!

How to Start a Private Practice Webinar (2 part)
This webinar series is for health care professionals who are thinking of starting their own private practices. We believe you don’t necessarily have to quit your job to start; learn other transition possibilities!
At the end of the day, you will have a strong understanding of the steps needed to start your own practice.

Health Information – Privacy Officer Training
Online Course
Getting into private practice has a long to-do list. Check out our new course that helps train your businesses privacy officer. Get your risk assessment, policies, and recordkeeping standards and policies in place!

Why DO children act the way they do
Free Presentation
This presentation was made for educators. Feel free to check out where some of your students behaviors are coming from so that you can support them better.

Understanding Lymphedema
Free Presentation
This presentation was made for people affected by lymphedema. Feel free to check out some basic information about the causes of swelling and what can be done about it.