So many times in life, we are our own worst enemy. I find that when stress comes my way that I have a hard time staying calm and meeting the situation rationally. Most times I follow the pattern that a lot of other people follow. According to Marcia Wieder in her book, DOING LESS AND HAVING MORE, most people will lose their ease because they:
1. Panic
2. React negatively to the situation – become frustrated or upset
3. Blame or attack
8 Practices to follow to maintain ease:
Remain centered
Too often when the unexpected comes our way we begin to worry about the future or the past and forget to stay present in the moment. Staying in the moment can help you remain calm as it allows you to deal with the current situation in a calm manner. You can then lay out steps to manage the situation which will alleviate the stress as you move forward.
Relax and breathe
If you can breathe and stay present in the moment where you are, there is no stress. Our stress comes when we are unable to relax in the present moment.
Go with the flow
Take small steps and as you do you will gain the confidence to take larger steps. Be spontaneous as it helps ignite your passion and gives new perspectives.
Remain calm in the midst of chaos
Most of us live from our reactions instead of living from our dreams. When one more task is thrown at us, we try to fit it into our already busy life and as a result all our precious moments of ease are pushed out. Instead of letting the tasks dictate your life begin to let your passions dictate what will be put into your calendar. Chaos can be managed, and the first step is by remaining calm and deciding whether the task is really important to you or whether you can say, “No, I do not want to put this task onto my calendar.”
Realize what is happening
No matter where you are or what is happening you can experience ease if you are able to remain open to the lessons that life is bringing to you. Life really does provide amazing opportunities and lessons for us if we are able to realize what is happening and choose what you want to spend your energy on and eliminate the things that you want to just let go.
Realize what is possible
Make time for the things that matter to you. Look at the situations that come your way and list out the pros and cons and decide if you are going to add it to your life or just let it go. There are many good opportunities, but you only have 24 hours in a day, so you need to analyze what is best for you personally. Life is full of possibilities and you cannot do them all.
Make simple choices along the way
To practice surrender and ease it really is a matter of making choices. If you are always trying to control things that are often beyond your control your life will spiral out of control. Usually life is about making the best choice you can, then learning to deal with the choices you have made and then just letting the rest go. I know that it is easier said than done but one successful attempt will lead to the next successful attempt.
This is one that I find hard to do but probably one of the most important steps. The practice of meditation is so beneficial to your health. It lowers your stress levels, relaxes you and helps your worries fade away, develops a peaceful mind, reduces your blood pressure, and improves your mental health.
Tips from a farmer on how to have a life of ease:
Take care and pay attention – take care of your equipment (your body or machines) all the time so that it is ready to use when you need it. Maintenance is always cheaper than repairs
Do your best – no matter what you do, strive to do it the best you know how – your reputation is what you take to your grave
Get out – be with those who work with / for you. Be a part of the team
Hard work won’t kill you, but smart work is easier – plan before you start – you will get better results
Respect your people – respect everyone you meet – maintain your precious resources – honour your relationships / contracts
Take the first step – when there is a tough job to do, just get to it, and soon enough it will be done
Mistakes are not the end – remember mistakes are chances to learn, to risk and grow. Surviving mistakes helps develop the ability to think creatively and to take risks so roll with the punches and don’t beat yourself up when you screw up. Acknowledge what you learn and move on.
Nature does her thing – Life is not fair, and it doesn’t care – come in from the rain when you can – pick up pieces and begin anew when you can’t
Appreciate where you are – mundane can be boring or you can use your imagination or dream, think and plan.
Strive for Balance – Make time for the things that matter to you. A successful life includes time for work, family, self, and spiritual – be the best you can be and help others to be better than you. Appreciate all types of peoples, temperaments, personalities. Your personal needs are important – play as hard as you work – give yourself the time you need
Follow your dreams – you don’t have to do something because your family did – be true to who you want to be.