The first thing you need to know when you decide to make your dreams a reality is that it is going to take work. At the beginning, your enthusiasm is high, but as the days turn into months, and the months turn into years you can lose the enthusiasm and your motivation will lag. The way to protect against being in the 80 % who fall by the wayside and never make their dream a reality is to make a plan – and it needs to be a SMART plan.
S – Specific -Significant
M – Measurable – Meaningful
A – Attainable – Action Oriented
R – Relevant – Rewarding
T – Time Bound – Trackable
According to Deep Patel in 16 Actions to Take to Achieve Any Goal, “One study found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. So, sit down and brainstorm what the steps are that you need to take to take the dreams out of your head and get them down onto paper. Better yet, call your friends and supporters together and sit down as a group and work on it together. It will make your dream/vision clearer and it will help you have a group to be accountable to.

Tasks – the steps you will take to create what you want. Ways to recreate and restructure your life.
Make the tasks, things you enjoy so your quality of life is improved as you move forward.
3 Important Elements:
1. Break your dream into small projects
2. Find people to help you
3. Every day – do something towards reaching your dream
Projects - the projects move you into your future.
Have short time frames on the projects – three months or less – so you can see tangible, measurable results. This then builds your self-confidence.

Tips To Successfully Reaching Your Dreams:
1. Schedule tasks onto your calendar. If it isn’t scheduled in, you probably won’t complete the project.
2. Use the resources from all areas of your life. Especially people resources. Everyone you meet is a potential resource. You may need to learn a new skill by taking a course or just hire someone who has the skill you require.
3. Simplify your life by seeing areas in your life that overlap and integrate them - e.g. your personal and professional life.
4. Know that you can leave a legacy – design your project – knowing it may not be completed in your lifetime but live your life with passion.
5. Don’t let yourself be stopped by not knowing how you will accomplish everything on your project list.
6. According it Marcia Wieder, “The secret to success in any project is to break the project into small tasks, seek assistance, and do something every day, even one single task, to move your project
7. Wieder also says, “If this starts to feel like a burden or too much work, reconnect with your passion and your larger dream. Remember why you are doing this and use your empowering beliefs to reconnect.”

Works Cited
https://businessimpactnw.org/thisisyouryear/ - accessed February 4, 2019
This Is Your Year—Set Your Business Goals and Reach Your Dreams!
https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/318347 - accessed February 4, 2019
16 Actions to Take to Achieve Any Goal by Deep Patel
https://www.thebalancesmb.com/how-to-create-an-action-plan-to-achieve-your-goals-1794129 - accessed February 4, 2019
6 Steps to Designing a Plan to Make Your Home Business Goals a Reality by Leslie Truex
Wieder, Marcia. Doing Less and Having More. New York, Quill. 1998.