Kellie Maxwell is an Occupational Therapist as well as a mother to her 2 daughters and step-son. She lives in the country with her husband and kids, always keeping her busy and on her toes. As a young adult, Kellie provided respite care to many kids/youth in the Interlake while doing her Arts degree in psychology and kinesiology at the University of Winnipeg. In 2013, she completed her Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy at the University of Manitoba. She has since, worked with children and youth in a variety of contexts, including home, school, daycare, and hospital based care. She has provided one-on-one care, consultations, education, group therapy, mental health counseling, as well as traveled by both plane and car with multidisciplinary teams to multiple Aboriginal communities in North-West Ontario to provide care. She has so far, focused her career on children and youth and loves seeing smiles on both the parents’ and child’s faces as they learn and grow. Kellie believes preventative care and early intervention is so important and is the key to helping kids who may be struggling before entering school, to better set them up for long-term success and to have support in place going forward. She is, and has always been passionate about helping families to have positive experiences and success.